BritishAfternoonDe jaarlijkse ééndagsreis naar Canterbury van de derdejaarsleerlingen van het Sint-Jozefinstituut kon dit jaar niet doorgaan. Door de bijkomende veiligheidsmaatregelen zou de reis zelf te veel tijd in beslag nemen... Daarom organiseerden de leerkrachten een dagje Angelsaksische cultuur in de school.

De leerlingen luisterden naar de Britse bard Bob Rowley, speelden een potje snooker of namen deel aan een dansworkshop. Bagpiper Dirk Jamin opende de Highland games in het gemeentepark. Met klassiekers zoals boomstamwerpen en kogelstoten gingen de leerlingen op zoek naar de sterkste ‘Schot’ van de school.



Aanvulling door leerlingen uit het 3de jaar : 

Music maestro with the Bard Bob Rowley

Today on the 22nd April the pupils of the 2nd grade did a lot of workshops, and one of them was ‘Music Maestro’. There was an older, retired man who was telling facts about music and other stuff. He was singing songs of the 20th century but, he also was singing songs from Avicii. He also told things about himself. He told us that he was a street performer (music of course). It was a very fun workshop.

‘Life doesn’t give you what you want’,’ Life gives you what you can handle!’


Workshop : I love art 

Goal: make the royal family stand out by using art with worthless materials.

8 people working in pairs of two, making 4 pieces of art and using pretty worthless materials, were trying to make something beautiful and royal. Not an easy task at all. Yet they managed to succeed in their task quite perfectly. So Ward, one of the pupils there said: “I love art, it’s amazing. I really thought it would be more stupid, but I’m actually enjoying this! Who said art is lame? Not me!”. Real art is being made here. Working together is very important so the pupils can share their vision and combine them and make beautiful pieces of art .